Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Xmas festivities


This Christmas was notable for us because Joseph is so much more aware.  All the typical traditions seem to mean much more, and we therefore are doing many more of them!  Setting out snacks for Santa and the reindeer was very exciting for J.  He wrote Santa, choose the snacks (there were chocolates too, but someone had already eaten them by photo time), and then told me to write thank you!



Christmas Eve I also decided was a good time to finally finish making stockings for everyone. 


All set!!! I have never ever made such a production out of Christmas and I am pretty sure my family never did either.  I actually had presents wrapped way ahead of time (mostly because that was the only way to keep Joseph out of them).  We have never done stockings of our own before.  Lots of fun!  I also must say how much I enjoy the Christmas tree tradition—it’s perfect decorating for me: a piece of beautiful green (and free) nature with lights and lots of homemade accents.  We just took it down and I miss it.

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Joseph woke up very excited at 5:15 and we decided to let him go right down and open his stockings for the special occasion. 

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By 7 we were at Grandma and Grandpa’s for more Christmas fun!

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In the afternoon we headed to Lincoln for the Shattuck family party.

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It was pretty rockus at times, but so much fun!


Joseph and I like to spend the night so mom can party all night (this time I actually was in the early to bed crowd).  J went right to sleep after a night-night story from adored cousin Charlie. 


It’s so nice to have a relaxed day at the cabin with family.

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The snow was perfect for outdoor adventures.  First J got a ride from Uncle Marc and then he tried out his very own skis!!!


Part of learning ;-)  He actually had a very good attitude about this.

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One ski wouldn’t stay on so he fiddled around on the other.  He seemed surprisingly into it though so I may work on getting him more skiing experience.  Marc then took him sledding and I got time for a great ski of my own!


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We also tried out Troy’s snowshoes, which didn’t last long.  I never loved them either, but maybe we will have to give them more of a try.  It is really great to get out and play in the winter!


On the way home we stopped by for a visit with the Wells in their new home.  Joseph and Ceira had fun making us all some yummy cookies!

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