Sunday, November 11, 2012

August 2012 Photos


Swim lessons!  Fun as always.


Playtime and a picnic under an apple tree with friends.


More swim lessons.  I was so impressed when he jumped off the diving board (without a lifejacket!)


After swim lessons one day we spent the afternoon with friend Alex and his mom.  We went to the Waterhouses on Lake Dunmore and alternated between fishing and swimming.  It was a total blast!


One day I got a surprise phone call that my best friend Jenn was in town—although the circumstances were sad it was a wonderful visit.


Field days 2012—started with the sything as usual.


Joined two grandpas watching the draft horse pulling


Kids barnyard



Rides with friend Ben on his bday


Watched the very second rate magician two times and got onstage as usual!


Field days this year was marked by volatile weather.  Sunny hot days and down pours each evening.  We spend 9 hours their thu and fri and each evening Brad joined us after work just as the skies opened.  But we found lots of undercover fun.



We spent much of thu. night under the big tent enjoying the sport of tug-of-war.  Joseph got in on the unorganized, chaotic, but very entertaining fun. 


Rides on Friday.


For the last two years Joseph—who is seemingly fearless on rides—has been begging to go on the Alien.  This is the ride that is enclosed and spins very quickly and then you rise up the sides.  His friend Megan is just as fearless and somehow they convinced her dad to take them.  I almost had a heart attack, but Joseph loved it. 


Bumper cars were a huge hit as well.  It was supposed to pour Fri. and was cloudy, so the lines were short!


A huge highlight this year was the awesomeness of the arm-wrestling competition.  It is quite the big thing and fills up the main stage into the night on Friday.  Joseph could have not have been happier after proving his prowess.


Brad gave it a try as well.  He didn’t dominate as Joseph did but made it to the second round.  They both have big plans for next summer! 


Vacation bible school here in Shoreham was a huge hit.  They had 30+ children which is really amazing considering that there are only 80 children in the school.  Anyways, every night for a week the kiddos enjoyed activities and dinner.  It was very well organized and the kids loved it!


On the last night we had a big campfire and the children presented the songs they had been working on.


This was at our friend Eli’s bday party.  Joseph was in heaven finally getting his hands on one of these little battery powered cars (well until he ran the battery down.)  He and a friend decided to harvest corn.  Cutting the stocks down, getting the corn off, husking it, and piling it in back kept them entertained for a long time. 


Pinata time


Pin the tail on the donkey


Fun on Eli’s trampoline


Another day at the river with the Allensons.  One of our very favorite activities.


Play time with the neighboors grandkids; another of our favorite things.


And, the same day Joseph started school, I started my first graduate class (in the counseling program at UVM).  It is quite the change for me to drive up to the big city of Burlington every week.  I am enjoying the course very much!

1 comment:

JG said...

Yaaaayyy for photo dumping!!! I love these summer pics... wish it was still summer. I can't believe he went off the diving board and on the aliens ride! I can't imagine soph doing those things next I was surprised by the photo from my quick VT visit... it seems so long ago! My mom is so cute. :) What an awesome pic! I'm so glad we were able to get together... I love remembering what a wonderful, fun gathering we had during such a sad and stressful time. I can't wait to see you again! It's coming up so fast... just a month away! Can you believe it??!! Great pics... Joseph has a pretty idyllic, Vermonty life! ;D
Oh, and I didn't know he was going to VBS?! Made me remember our Lincoln VBS... I always really loved it! He's a lucky guy!

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