This is the winter that wasn’t and it really bugs me. We have barely had ANY snow. I feel like it has been 8 months of mud season—with a little frozen mud thrown in. I need the white stuff to lighten things up. We have only been sledding once and have played and done springtime yard work many times this December, January, and February. I am so glad we spent Christmas in Lincoln so we could get in some snow time. And I am trying to get outside and enjoy even when it is not seasonal, but I live in Vermont for a reason!
- New Years day we went for a drive and a walk around the new bridge.
- We celebrated Brad and my tenth being together anniversary at Bob’s
We joined Amy, Bree, Jacob, Aloysious, and Bernie for a Harlem Globe Trotters game in Albany.
This past weekend was the last of Joseph’s “Learn-to-Skate” classes held by the Middlebury Hockey club. We attended 5 sessions and it was a HUGE learning experience for all of us. Most of the kids could already skate and it was so discouraging for Joseph. I am used to Joseph doing well and having fun at things like this and it was hard to see him struggle and figure out how to support him. We talked a lot about sticking with what you start, trying your best, hard work, and more. This last week we finally told him he could choose something from the snack stand if he did the whole lesson without his crate, and, ta-da, no problem! He was SOOO proud of himself! And, even if we did resort to bribery I am really glad we ended on a good note.
Later we had fun at our first ever Middlebury College Hockey game!
And we have been spending a lot of time with grandpa Bernie, who has been in the hospital and now a rehab facility.