Hockey, hockey, hockey. We have had our ups and downs with it. I think the three practices a week and all the gear are a little much for Joseph, but there is no question he has gotten to be quite a skater and sometimes he really enjoys it!
Corralled the boys!
Waiting for Santa
These pictures are all from a very busy Saturday—the first Saturday of December Santa always arrives in Middlebury on a firetruck and then all sorts of activities are planned. We started the day with hockey at 7:30, then went to a free breakfast at Agway. While we were at breakfast Bob got us a number to see Santa (its free but you have to get a number). Every other year I have just joined up with someone else, but this year we did things right and Bob got us #2. Thanks!!
Then we always visit the gingerbread house competition at the Folklife center and vote on our favorites.
And of course there is the train exhibit at the Sheldon Museum.
And then gingerbread house making at the library.
(Out of order) Visiting Santa!!
Joseph told Santa he wanted a Spy kit, a prank kit, and an I pod. Then he told Santa Nora wanted a new paci.
I was very, very nervous about doing all this, with a very small baby, but it all went amazingly well.
When we got home I nursed and cuddled with Nora (since she was such a trooper) and Joseph decorated himself…
Then he really wanted to make our gingerbread house…
Joseph LOVES projects like this.
The next day (after a hockey game) we ventured into the woods behind my childhood home to find a Christmas tree.
A family picture!!
Cutting the tree
This was actually a bit of on ordeal. We were tired from the day before and from Brad working 7 days a week during that time. And this was around the time that Nora just suddenly stopped sleeping. Then unexpectedly Brad got done work a little early that Sunday. So we made it to Lincoln, but then Nora had a huge blowout. Then Joseph was mad about not having a “normal” Christmas tree. Then I lost my keys…. In this picture Joseph was whining about the tree. But we still actually had a good trip! The pictures of course highlights the good times.
After getting the tree we visited with Bob and Nora feel asleep in his arms.
Lots of reading for Joseph. This was his first chapter book for school.
The Elf on the Shelf came to visit this year. It was a lot of work, but very cute. Here he is reading some of Joseph’s homework.
Nora loving her bouncer.
With her excema cheeks all lubed up.
Decorating the tree.
Moving! One of the first times that I put her down in one place and found her in another.
Putting up a wall with dad at work.
Before Christmas every year I organize a program called book angels, where we take ages and interests of children from local social service agencies and match them with books. It was is a big project, but lots of fun!
More reading.
First day working! Nora accompanied me to the library one Saturday morning in December. It went surprisingly well.
Then santa came to visit.
Our Charlie Brown tree.
Testing out her Santa outfit.
Holiday concert at school!
All covered in goo. I do this to her every morning and night. And it doesn’t really help. Poor girl.
This day Nora totally surprised me. She had just barely started rolling and moving at this point. It was a shock to put her down in one place and then find her in another place. Then this time I was doing something, not watching her, when I heard her giggling to herself. I looked over and she was laughing at herself in a mirror she had picked up! What a genius!
Playing in the snow afterschool
A note from Joseph
His xmas list.