This past week has been a bit discouraging. Usually I post all the wonderful, happy, great things that happen in my life on this blog, but I think maybe it is time to round out this picture a little bit. Really I am mostly upset about #2 on the following list.
List of stupid, annoying crap that happened this week:
- Got a speeding ticket. Another one. I am not a fast or unsafe driver. I am just flighty/ditsy and have a (bad) habit of not watching the signs carefully enough. (Obviously a habit I have to change.)
- Almost got a new job that I think sounded pretty good (service coordinator at the local counseling service), but didn't ONLY because I have too many speeding tickets. URRRRRRRRRRHHH. Stupid. Driving is not an everyday part of the job and I drove one of their vans for an entire summer once. I drove for school as well. I have never had anything worse than a speeding ticket. There is a lower-level, lower-paying job they suggested . . . still think about it . . .
- Spent THREE HOURS getting Joseph to take his nap on Wednesday.
- Woke up to an unmistakable stench Thursday morning. Cat shit. Yup, Misha had peed and pooped right in our bed while we were sleeping in it. EWWWW.
- Realized my garden is crap this year. The tomatoes have blight and slowly each and every beautiful green tomato is becoming covered in scabs . . .
- Totally bailed on my diet due to discouragement.
- Started getting another wisdom tooth and Joseph is getting three molars! (Not really that big of a deal, but annoying, so they fit on the list.)
Happy things that were lots of fun and cancel out the annoying crap: (mostly SWIMMING!!)
- A morning at the lake with tons of kiddos (and mommies).
- Swimming and playing at a beautiful new-to-me place on the river Friday with Courtney and family. Joseph is really getting used to that water. He knows how to kick his legs and seems to enjoy being in the water. Hopefully he will grow to love it as much as I do!
- Fair all day Saturday with lots of family. Joseph LOVED it and went on each ride and the "scary house" about 20 times. He even liked the "scrambler" (a pretty scary ride for a two-year-old I think).
- A short bit at the beach by myself today: lying in the sun, swimming, and knitting!
- All Joseph's talking! He has so much to say these days and now I can understand most of it. He is like a big kid now with all sorts of ideas and the ability to communicate them.
Usually the happy list is longer than the annoying list. I guess that's why I feel so much like complaining this week! Of course, this is the way life goes and the counseling service jobwouldn't have been as perfect as it seems, now that I can't have it. So, I'll keep figuring things out and I know eventually I'll find a good job, but I'm still pissed at both myself and the regulations. Now, it's time to stop moping and move on with taking advantage of the extra time!