I’ve been neglecting the blog, as well as photo taking and crafting a bit. Mid-winter makes curling up with a book my top night-time priority. However, we have been filling our days with lots of fun activities.
We spent a day with the neighbor's and their grandchildren (who Joseph used to go to school with).
And we love sledding with buddies Wyatt and Isabelle at their great-grandpa and next-door neighbors house.
The snow was PERFECT for building on this day!
To brag, just a little, I made a BIG New Years meal, my most extravagant entertaining to date. On the menu (that I can remember): baked beans, ham, lasagna, bread, scalloped potatoes, and fruit cobbler. It was a lot of work, but fun and so yummy—especially the weeks worth of leftovers.
On of my very favorite activities is to go “exploring” in the woods here. I used to think of a walk as needing path and a destination. Now I am learning to enjoy letting J take the lead, with his own ideas and wims and a three-year-old timetable.
What a beautiful, beautiful day!! (This was during our big thaw earlier this month.)
Is it cat? Or is it a dog? Mischa may look like a kitty, but sometimes he acts more like the family dog.
Watching the resident owl and J’s school. This little guy isn’t shy and greets us almost every day.
Yesterday we were back at the sledding with Wyatt and Isabelle.
The boys adored this pink thing (no idea what it is called). No one, including Courtney and I, could get far, but the boys tried over and over again, crashing joyfully.
And they introduced us to the “spider pile” method of sledding. Pile on and then spin down the hill at high speeds! What fun!
More pics to come . . .