So, just after my last post, of course winter came back to visit, but I’ve already blocked that out and we had some beautiful spring weather today. Anyways, I have been meaning to post forever about Joseph drawing and being creative. It has been so much fun watching Joseph’s changing and evolving creativity.
It was only about a year ago that Joseph first drew a picture that actually resembled something. This was last March and he drew it at his old school (“Sarah’s”). I was shocked at the time. He was so proud he posted it on the door :-) It depicts our family.
Only last summer that he wrote his first letter (the H’s)
And only this past fall he first wrote his name.

This Christmas was the first time he really drew something besides a face that looked like its subject (a reindeer)
Now here are a bunch of current pictures:
The Easter bunny

A bird (it really really is spring!)

Star Wars (he has some Star Wars legos)
(He labeled this himself! He is not breaking any records in learning to write, but it is neat to witness. Only very recently did he begin writing things besides his name. Now he very often asks how to spell words and even knows some letter/sound correspondences.)

A plan for the house he planned to build with the play tools and blocks at school
He also LOVES making projects of different kinds. I have put many of them on here, but some of the most endearing are actually the projects he comes up with one his own. He loves cutting and taping and is always making new things. He has always wanted sugary cereals that we won’t buy him, so finally he decided to cover the jar we keep granola in with paper and drawings of Shrek so he could have his own Shrek cereal. Just the other day he saw the sweater I was knitting, and after I wouldn’t let him help on the real one, he decided to make his own. He ended up making a vest for each of us!
This is all lots of fun and it is amazing to watch the fast pace of changes. All this creativity has also been a big problem for my clutter issues. It was only very recently that I was finally able to actual recycle some things. So hopefully it will help to preserve some of the memories on here!