Saturday, May 14, 2011

Candy Land Birthday Party!


Today was Joseph’s kids birthday party.  This is the second year I have done a theme and I really do have a bit too much fun with it ;-)  I went crazy with Candy Land (one of Joseph’s very favorite things).  This was most of the spread.



The kids made necklaces out of cereal.  Joseph loves projects like this and I was really surprised that all his guests also seemed to have fun with it (well ok the girls did outlast all the boys except for Joseph). 


I was also happily surprised that the kids didn't seem to have any problem waiting till after eating to hit the candy bar.  They all got a little bag and had fun filling it up.

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Next was the piñata.  No one got wacked.  Everyone took turns and stood in line.  And everyone got candy and games (little tiny tic-tac-toe games and packs of cards were my favorite finds).


Going in for the loot.

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My FAVORITE: The cake!  I have to say I am pretty proud of how this came out.  It is my first real cake project.  It did take hours and I stayed up way late, but it was totally worth it.

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Also love the hand decorated presents!


Opening presents

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And lots of playing


Hope everyone had as much fun as I did!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Been busy :-)

the new green leaves against the springtime sky; dandelion fields, young grass, long-awaited sunshine, picnics and playtime
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers