Today was Joseph’s kids birthday party. This is the second year I have done a theme and I really do have a bit too much fun with it ;-) I went crazy with Candy Land (one of Joseph’s very favorite things). This was most of the spread.
The kids made necklaces out of cereal. Joseph loves projects like this and I was really surprised that all his guests also seemed to have fun with it (well ok the girls did outlast all the boys except for Joseph).
I was also happily surprised that the kids didn't seem to have any problem waiting till after eating to hit the candy bar. They all got a little bag and had fun filling it up.
Next was the piñata. No one got wacked. Everyone took turns and stood in line. And everyone got candy and games (little tiny tic-tac-toe games and packs of cards were my favorite finds).
Going in for the loot.
My FAVORITE: The cake! I have to say I am pretty proud of how this came out. It is my first real cake project. It did take hours and I stayed up way late, but it was totally worth it.
Also love the hand decorated presents!
Opening presents
And lots of playing
Hope everyone had as much fun as I did!