Ooops . . . life seems to get busier and busier these days. No BIG news here though, I’ll leave that to a certain someone at who is expecting baby #2 and just got a horse! Wow! And congrats 
Anyways, I can now see clearly that as your child grows life just keeps speeding up. I am now working 4 days a week, which means Joseph is also at school 4 full day. If I let him choose though he would go everyday! Joseph and I are also attending a really neat Strengthening Families Class at his school. We finished up skating lessons. I have been more and more involved with town, working at the library and celebrating the wonderful new addition, attending town meeting, and now joining a committee focusing on the future of education in our town and state. I have also had three stomach bugs in the last two months—each passing quickly, but taking a toll. We still spend lots of time at our two favorite libraries and Joseph and I now go to his future elementary school every Friday for “reading buddy” time.
When not busy with school, work, and other commitments, we try to spend lots of time outside. This strange winter that has meant yo-yoing back and forth from wintertime adventures to springtime mudding.

Mid-Feb. we spent some time with Courtney, Wyatt, and Isabelle exploring the land around their new house.

Soon after we FINALLY got some snow and enjoyed a bit of sledding.

Just a week ago I took the train down to NJ/NYC for the Wells Mountain Foundation annual meeting. The meeting itself was inspiring and exciting and it is always fun to hang with the Wells. After the meeting we went out for my first ever Sushi and Hibachi.

Yesterday we got some (unpredicted) snow, which was lots of fun.

The best part was venturing into the snowy woods around our house.

Joseph had a great time building a fort by a little stream. This reminded me a lot of my childhood.

The snow melted quickly and was mostly gone by the time we headed into Middlebury for the annual Chilifestival.

It was unbelievable crowded. Fun and good for the community, but crowded. I can’t wait to hear what the attendance numbers were!
And this afternoon-we opened the windows and worked outside. Full on spring.