Oh wrestling. I have a love/hate relationship with wrestling season. The people and community are a lot fun. The sport is HARD! The pressure is intense. Joseph kept saying he wanted to do it again this year so we went for it.
Just like last year we had a lot of ups and downs. In the beginning of the season he got beat bad quite a number of times, which is not pleasant. He never acts too phased by it, but I am sure he is. And I hate it. Say one time we drove half an hour, sat around for a couple of hours, with a crazy toddler, he had two matches and got pinned both times. NOT FUN.
But as the season continued things seemed to get better. Maybe some good lessons in perseverance, trying hard, working at it (he did push ups everyday!), making new friends, etc… Anyways, we ended up having some much better times. As long as Joseph tried hard I was happy—and hopefully him too.
Putting in the taps. Yay!
Sheep farm open house.
No hope to have everyone smiling and cooperating.
Playing in the mud.
Story time at our library.
Lots of reading!!
Another meet.
There’s a lot of waiting around in wrestling…
Joseph and his friend Kyle off the bus, holding Nora’s hands.
Another meet…
Third place! (PS this is a little deceiving—there are only about 5 kids in a class.)
Friend Matilda’s birthday party!
Boiling fun.
A wrestling friend had our old go cart, upgraded, and so we bought ours back!
Joseph LOVES this thing!