Lots of fun pictures looking back at September. Looking at these I kept thinking they were summer memories--but in fact it was just an extremely warm September.
Labor day weekend was my favorite time at the camp so far. We spent enough time there to really settle in instead of shuttling back in forth. Next summer I am hoping for a lot more extended stays.
Working on some mil-foil eradication

This was from the back to school ice cream social which I could not to attend. September was also extremely busy for me with the start of school for Joseph and I and the start of 8,000 school board meetings a month. I missed a lot of events such as this but Brad and our friends made sure the kiddos had a fun. Nora and Ryleigh will be in the same class just like the big brothers.
Back to Labor Day weekend at the camp. We also got used to the lake bottom being kind of squishy and realized that the more we swim the more the mush moves away and reveals actual sand! Very exciting!
These are in all sorts of random order. Soccer tournament!
Apple picking
This was spontaneous and a great outing
More soccer. Pictures from Kyle's mom as it was another time I couldn't make it.
She loved swimming so much at camp that she insisted on practicing a lot at home
She also likes to wear her backpack everywhere and pretend she is going to school.
A quite morning at camp.
Joseph and some buddies had a lot of fun experimenting with life jacket styles...
A visit with great gram Nora.
Hanging and crafting with our awesome neighboors.
Came home from one meeting to find them like this.
And often found Dad and Nora in the garage
Grandpa and Dad got Joseph a new gun! The start of a great hunting season!
Lots of progress on the Shoreham house. Soo pretty.
Nora's childcare provider had a baby so we took turns having the kiddos at our house. It was fun to see so many kids make use of our stuff!
Too cute.
A sweater vest I finally finished for her.
Pulling up the garden
More soccer. Joseph was mad at this point since I wouldn't buy him the treats he wanted. It was brief, but typical. The soccer tournaments last most of the day, they play three games and there are tons of kids. It's crazyness.
Apple fest! Lots of Shoreham fun.
Very handsome for picture day.
Second day of the kiddos here. Nora loved having her friends over.
Still enjoying the boating.
This was September 27th. Beautiful and summery. I miss it!
Thanks Ruth, nice to see these.
More of these please, Ruth.
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