Watching the gorillas. We watched them for a LOOONNNG time. They were certainly one of our favorites. This one was rolling around right in front of all the kids. He had a big smile and would cover his face and then sneak a peak at everyone.
This is a drain cover made by my great-grandfather's iron works.

We LOVED the zoo. It is soooo fun to be able to do these things with Joseph. The zoo is also special because Selma (my grandmother) visited it when she was young, and then of course took Bob (my father) as a child, and I remember visiting as well. And now we get to take Joseph!
Here he is, very tired and happy, with his gorilla:
which zoo is this? We're planning on visiting the Bronx Zoo possibly on Father's Day. Looks like Joe-fish had a great time - tired him right out!
This is the Philadelphia Zoo. We went the last full day of our visit there. It was soooo much fun. Brianna and Jacob will love going to the zoo! Can't wait to do fun stuff with them this summer!
Hi Ruth, love the pics! Please tell Brad happy birthday from me. Tell him he's getting old :) ~Jen Petty
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