Friday, May 21, 2010

The parenting quote I have on the fridge

Today I had a bad parenting day.  By that I mean, the kind of day where I did not feel like I have been or am the parent I want to be.  Meaning mostly, Joseph was CHALLENGING.  Errr.  Meaning I felt like matching his tantrums with one of my own.  Show him how it’s really done. JUST KIDDING.  Everyone survived, no major harm, he’s been sleeping for hours, and I will be soon.  As I was getting ready for bed I was thinking back on the day, with some perspective and remembering one of my favorite quotes.  It is on my fridge and it helps get me through days like this:

“The most important thing she had learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a great one.”  (Mother’s Day card I bought for myself while working at the Vermont Book Shop.  Love it.)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Joseph’s Swashbuckling 3rd Birthday Party

Prior to having a child, I though parents who wasted lots of time, energy, and money on children’s parties were crazy.  I thought themes tacky.  But, somehow, things seem to change when you hangout with these little beings all day.  So, I went crazy, and all out, and threw my first real theme party.  I did cry from stress the day before, and it did rain, and Joseph did refuse to even put on his pirate costume, but I actually am glad I did it.  We did also have fun and I love trying to give back to all the families that do so much for us.  Oh yeah, I don’t think I mentioned that the guest list was pretty long—we ended up with 15 children and 12 adults.  Wow! 

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Joseph was actually a huge help getting ready.  He made every single one of the boats for this “cake.”


The plank!



Couldn’t be cuter

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The pirate cake!! Just a dirt cake, with my attempt at a skull and crossbones.  In my opinion dirt cake is one of the yummiest, most simple things EVER—pretty much Oreos, vanilla pudding, cream cheese, butter, sugar, whipped cream . . . yummy.  Recipe here.  Try it!

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Piñata demolition finally accomplished


The gang




Indulging some more after everyone left.  On his birthday I let him lick the spoon!


Party banner that took FOREVER.  I like it, but probably will never try this again. 


Everyone signed a shirt for him, which was very fun and a great memento (and, most surprisingly, a shirt he actual likes to wear).


After the party he had a blast playing in his new “Super J” cape made by Jill!

My friend Claire took lots of fun pictures, but I couldn’t figure out how to steal them and put them here, so you will have to check them out here instead! 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jumpy house fun and new chicks!

IMG_0122We had a great time playing with buddy Carson a while back.  In this one they are showing their muscles ;)

Joseph in the pajama pants I made him-
my first real sewing project on my old, old machine


At kids space!



The new chicks (headed for the dinner table hopefully!)

Boys being boys.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

More overheard

J: “Great-gram is a rock star!”  I hung a picture of young Nora dancing and was talking to him about her being a ballet dancer.  This was his understanding.

J: “You have to share Mommy!”

J: “I want to, if I want to!”  This is his argument when he is starting to get really mad. 

J: “I will be the superhero and you be the princess.  You go ‘ahhhhh.’”  This is how he most often wants our play-pretend.  The other day I was honored to get to be a pirate not a princess.  Oh, and I also often get to be a horse.  Once he did tell me, “I will be the Daddy and you will be the Mommy.”  Hmmm . . .

J: “I am getting so big.”  “I am a big boy.”  “I am the oldest.”  “I am going to kindergarten.”

Grandfather Bob: “Oh, go put a sock in your mouth.” And what did Joseph do?  He went, found a sock, and put it in his mouth.  Hilarity. 

J: “When I use the potty, I will be big and ride the school bus!”

J: “Sorry, I can’t help you.”  I was telling him to do something . . .

J: “Can you squeeze my poop out for me?” 

J: “I bounced right off the ground!” Laughing, after he fell, hard.

J: “You are a bad boy!! I am going to throw you in a pot!”  I am not proud of this, but you have to remember the good and the bad right.  And actually it is pretty hilarious when he get’s really mad and start’s yelling this.  But, you can’t laugh or you are doomed.  Laugh and he will repeat anything! 

J: “There is lots of crying on this CD.”  After listening to a new Jonny Cash CD.  I thought this was a pretty good point.

J: “I am going to go tell Daddy you are not listening.”

J: “I hate everything about this dinner!”

J: “Do you like McDonald’s?”
R: “Not really.”
J: “Only Daddy and I like McDonald’s.  Do you like lettuce?”
R: “Yes. Do you like lettuce?”
J: “When I am older, I will eat lettuce.”

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

April Favorites (late, late, late, but still lots of fun!

Pirate Shirt I made him!

“Writing a letter” to Dr. Steam (imaginary sister who lives in the Ficus

Easter eggs










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SOOOOO loving his bike!


First crashIMG_0010

But right back on! 

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers