He is here! Joseph Roger Bergevin (finally) arrived on May 6th 2007 at 1:34 AM weighing in at 9lbs 3ozs and 22.5 inches long. Though the labor did not go particularly well and ended in a c-section, everyone is fine and that's what matters of course. Joseph and I came home from the hospital on Thursday evening and are enjoying our time together. I hope to write more about this amazing expereince soon, but for now here are some pictures:
He's a cutie! Hope your swelling is going down and he's letting you rest! Great having dinner with you guys we'll have to do it again soon. Take care of yourself and the little man. ~Amy
Quite a nice blog, Ruth: thanks.
See you soon.
He's a cutie! Hope your swelling is going down and he's letting you rest! Great having dinner with you guys we'll have to do it again soon. Take care of yourself and the little man. ~Amy
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