Monday, April 6, 2009

"I fix it mommy"

Two days ago I posted about how much Joseph is talking. I wrote that he had mastered two word phrases and was just working on putting three words together. Now he is working on four words! Just an example of how quickly things change. (This is what he said after he broke the knob to a drawer).


JG said...

WOW! Clearly a genius! Look how amazing this is...FOUR words!!! And it's completely a concept...what a complicated thing for him to understand! (So, did he fix it?) :)
I think he's going to be super handy, just like his daddy!
Oh, and I just cannot get over how he calls you guys mommy and daddy. That is so cute! It was so amazing to hear him say "hi Jenn" on the phone the other day. It was like one of the cats all of a sudden said's just so amazing! I can't wait for Sophia to get there...

Mr. E said...

Hey Ruth. Thanks for the comment. The school year is almost over! After I left last year I got lucky and hounded a literacy nonprofit until they gave me a job. It's a good balance between teaching and other stuff and it's a non-adversarial environment, so the kids are way more receptive.

Ruth said...

Well I can't say it's not fun to hear you call him a genius, but the funny thing is that he isn't really ahead on his language. But it sure is cute! And, at least for now, he really wants to be handy and help with everything. He gets his play tools out when dad gets his tools out and he tries things like putting the wrenches on bolts and hammering nails, etc. . . He had pulled the knob of the drawer and he kept putting it back in the right place but he couldn't screw it in right. Sophia will be talking your ear off soon! Hey, then Sophia and Joseph can talk on the phone to each other!!!

Do you have a new blog Mr. E?

JG said...

Hey! Give him credit for being a genius already! :) That is so cute he uses "tools." He is really growing up fast now, Ruth. I just love hearing about him...he amazes me all the time. I love thinking about Sophia being that grown up soon! (Although I'm also starting to worry about how time seems to be going faster and faster...)

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