Trying to catch up on posting pics. We had such a FUN summer!!


Handmowing (0r sything) competition. Uncle Marc took second over-all and Nora (gram) got first in her class (the Roger Shattuck Memorial)!

Trying out the neighboors new go-cart!
Waitsfield Fair with cousin Jacob, Grandma Hotte, and Aunts Jen and Amy!
He must have gone through that fun house atleast 20 times!
And on all the rides about 20 times each. He also went on a "big kid" ride--something with seats on big claw-like arms that went up in the air and spun around VERY fast--twice and loved that. I was quite surprised!
Another very important part of summer!

Playtime at our house
Nora's bday--a really wonderful family get-together. My batteries died--again--so I didn't take many pictures, but we had a blast as always, including fire, food, drink, and dance!!!

Day at the river with Courtney, Wyatt, and Isabel
The "small house" on wheels Brad built for a friend