I am trying very hard not to let Joseph become the dictator in our house. But it really is a challenge. This morning I cut into my grapefruit, my favorite morning indulgence. I set one half in my bowl and, on cue, Joseph announced, "no mom, eat THAT half first!" Seriously??? Actually, this has happened before, and since it is usually 5:30 or 6 in the morning and I therefore cannot be held accountable, and since I really don't care which half I eat first, I tend to let the prince have his way. I knew at two Joseph would have opinions about some things. I figured he wouldn't always agree with bed time. He might want to play a different game. But, he has soooooooo many opinions. Like about:
- which CD to listen to
- which song on the CD to listen to (he asks by number, "I want 23, 'Ol' Man Tucker' ")
- how loud the music should be (clearly music and CDS are a major interest right now)
- what to wear. which shirt. what matches what. which outfit need which shoes.
- of course what to do and when.
- which book to read. oh, and which part he "reads" and what I read. and how to read it-loud or with a funny voice, etc. . .
- which road I should take. really. If I go a different way home he had been known to freak.
- what goes where.
Ok, it's late and that's all I can think of offhand. There's tons more. And each opinion is usually quite strongly held. For the most part I love that he is such an individual. I do believe that this feistiness will get him places in life, if I can just learn to channel it right. I really am working on setting limits and being the one who decides when to give choices and what things are have-tos.
But, spend all day with the kid and you will give in too. I promise.