Apparently one of my favorite things to decorate are little boy underwear for Mr. Joseph. I guess it’s because he always seems to like them!
The newest project!
These ones are well worn—I made them in the late spring.
And more of our “photo shot” (I think his posing is pretty entertaining) :
I also made some presents for two of our little friends:
These are little colored pencil holders. Very simple to make and lots of fun. This was a great project for me because it is quick and doesn’t need to be perfect. I actually just had an idea in my head of what I wanted and then did my best to achieve it. I tried to let go of it having to be perfect or of finding a pattern or tutorial. And I was satisfied with the results (though do not look too closely!). Also, sorry about the not so great photos and my way behind posting. Things got pretty hectic around here for awhile! Lots more fun pics to come.