Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fishing and Hampton Beach, plus Kaia! Summer pic unloading continues . . .


So, my best friend gave birth and then blogged about it the next day (see the bottom of this post for a pic I stole from her blog!!!).  So, I thought I could probably handle getting caught up a bit on here.  Plus, I will do just about anything to procrastinate schoolwork . . .


Here are some pics I missed from the fishing trip in June.  They had fun!


And then, HAMPTON BEACH!  This was our big trip of the summer, first ever beach vacation, new awesome tradition, Joseph’s first time at the ocean!


In addition to the beach we enjoyed lots of yummy food, shopping, live music, and the arcades!


Joseph begged Bri to share the sofa bed until she finally relented!  He so loved all the quality time with his awesome big cousins!


Joseph’s favorite thing though: the waves!  I had never been to Hampton Beach before and it didn’t even occur to me that there might be large waves.  Honestly, they freaked me out to begin with, but slowly I realized Joseph could handle it.  He spent most of our days there playing in the waves. 


Sometimes the waves were taller then me!  Joseph gained lots of confidence and skills in the water.


The ride home Winking smile


And the fourth of July parade in Bristol the next day.  Hampton Beach was such a blast and we can’t wait to return next year!

New to the world, Kaia Ruth Williams was born yesterday. Congrats to her whole family; I love you so much! In case you didn’t know, mom Jenn has been my best friend since we were 4 years old! It is amazing to think that she now has TWO children. I am so happy for the whole family and CAN NOT wait until December when I get to spend some quality time with everyone Winking smileHer blog with lots more amazing pics is here:

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