Joseph's baseball team this year! It was kind of a funny year again this year--being on Minors for the first time, splitting the team up, not too many games, but everyone had fun!
Relaxing with a book, in the hammock I got for my birthday, the afternoon after school was finished for me in Leicester!
Strawberry picking!

Fun on the playground--these photos are out of order--but this was after and EXCELLENT and very cheap camp Joseph and some friends attended right after school got done. It was through a Middlebury church and the bused the kids to Branbury Beach every day for crafts, swimming, hiking, etc... They had a great time!
Early on in our boating adventures on Fern Lake!
Helping to put in the garden--and watering the plants with a water gun!
And being cute with her baby
Last baseball game. I can't remember the specifics anymore--but despite the lack of practices (which frustrated me) he and his team did well. He got on base every game, got home at least once, made an out once I think? They had 3 and a half (rained out) games.

A night of camping at Kampersville--one of Joseph's very, very favorite places. He loves this crazy place so much, unlike most of my family and friends. But given, this was his major wish for the summer I worked hard to make it happen. This was during the hight of Nora being a crappy sleeper whenever we weren't at home, so we ditched her overnight for the very first time! Here was a shaving cream hairdo activity gone wrong....
Can you tell people get a little wacky here?
Oh Michelle...
So somebody happened to bring a jumbo pack of sparklers, stinkbombs, small firecracker type thingys. Think the boys had a good time??

And on the field camera!
There was a rain delay and Joseph got to be a contestant in some cup game (kind-of seemed like flip cup?) and won!
Ooopps back to our fun day strawberry picking!
And in a cherry tree! We had never picked cherries before and were BLOWN AWAY. They were so easy to pic, so fun, so yummy...
Brad starting out on his summer weekend project! A new house to sell in right in the town of Shoreham. We LOVE having him work close to home!
And of course, summer also means: yard sale season!! Not our most necessary purchase...
A visit with great gram
This, appropriately, was the beginning of my Nora's fascination with all things "ba-LLET!!" She loved looking at pictures of dancers in some ballet periodicals Nora had around...and she seemed to start to figure out that she and Nora have the same name...
Heading off to camp! This was camp Kookamunga--the Middlebury Recreation department camp...which just seems like such a blast!
Playing after camp...with some new friends who just moved to Shoreham!
Like I said--these are way out of order. Back to school time now...last school concert of the year. He insisted on doing some dorky thing with his hair that made me mad, but didn't end up looking so horrible. Pick your battles mom, gotta learn that one...
Two of his classmates were sick, so they seemed like an extra teeny tiny, very male dominated class...
But so cute!
Joseph and his class on a final field trip Michelle and I organized!
Starting out with a trip to the teddy bear factory
I just love how close they are (most of the time atleast)
Learning all about teddy bear production
Then a picnic and playtime at, their favorite place, Kampersville!

Picnic time!
And swim time!
I have to say how awesome it was to have a teacher that let us arrange all this, that was up for all sorts of adventures, and who was just so much fun. All teachers are different and every year has been a good one at Shoreham Elementary School so far. Second grade was lots of fun. Mrs. Bolger--their teacher--was on her 34th year and still, really, really going strong. It wasn't super hot so none of us moms got in the water, but who stripped down and jumped in to play with the kids? Mrs. Bolger!
And smores!
Anything brother does, she's gotta try to keep up with...
Lots of wood splitting fun! All wood from the lot in town where Brad is building--and all our wood for the coming winter ;-)
A new swing we finally hung up here and has provided lots of entertainment
Kite Flying!
At camp!
Another great field trip for the end of the school year! Love kids and animals!
The whole class! After a little hike.
Mrs. Bolger (the teacher) and her husband. This trip I has Nora with me which made it a bit more hectic. On the way back from our little hike Mrs. Bolger...who has taught in Shoreham for 34 years, so she's not that super young...insisted on carrying Nora the whole way back. So sweet.
More canoeing.
Joseph's card for Mrs. Bolger
After the last day of school--getting right down to work on summer reading!
Some more time at Kampersville!
And another pancake breakfast Joseph helped put on at our local church.
1 comment:
Thanks, Ruth
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