The weather has cooled, the leaves are changing, apples and pumpkins are everywhere, and there is lots of talk of Halloween. It’s a new school year for Joseph and I. It is fall! Actually, the short days and chill seem to be more of an adjustment for me this year since we were soooo spoiled with the amazing summer weather. Anyways, here are photos from September: (in some sort of strange computer order that I am too lazy to fix).

Lots of dress up fun. He had to try his skates on!
Craft night!
Uncle Mark’s Birthday get-together:

We continue to LOVE story time at the library. Reading here with buds Ethan and Hadley.
Picking raspberries (nice moment before he got crabby and dumped them all)

Painting pumpkins—he really enjoyed this

Lately J has been into taking his own pictures.

More dress up
We really enjoyed attending a big Bergevin Party, the first one since Joseph was born. I didn’t take many pictures since there were so many people to catch up with! J had lots of fun meeting bunches of second cousins. Hopefully we will see them all a little more often now!
The kitties are 7 weeks old now and STILL nursing. They seem almost as big as Margot. I think it is pretty funny that my kitty and I both practice extended nursing ;-)
Soccer duds from cousin Troy
This was our last beach day of the year
We had a wonderful visit with old (as in from my childhood, not aged) friends Jenna, Michele, Debbie, and Bill! The lego set Debbie and Bill gave Joseph has been such a huge hit. That day Jenna revealed her skills. Just today he played with it for about 2 hours (which is very, very unusual for a toy to entertain him for so long)!
Lots of family and cousin fun! After our last get-together at grandma and grandpa’s Bristol house (pics of the beautiful and much closer Shoreham homestead to come!!! YAYYYY) we had some fun at our house.
Fire, s’mores, and stargaizing ;-)
And a fun little hike with Jordyn and Jason to Silver Lake and our last dip of the year.
Happy fall everyone!