I never really loved carving pumpkins and Joseph and knives don't really go that well, so these were our pumpkins this year. I made the funny eyes and mouths out of sculpey (with half toothpicks in the back) and then Joseph choose where to put them. The two painted pumpkins he made at preschool with his teacher, Sarah, and his friends. This is actually one of my very favorite things about his preschool--they do tons of crafts and creative activities. Sarah has way more experience and materials then I could ever have.

These are turkeys Joseph made at school. They were actually the party favors from our fall celebration.
These are turkeys Joseph made at school. They were actually the party favors from our fall celebration.
As you can see our fridge is getting very full, with art from home, school, and story time. Every Wednesday Joseph and I go to story hour at the Middlebury library. This is one of my very favorite things to do with Joseph for many reasons, one of which is that each week Judah (the librarian) has organized and laid out all the materials for a great craft relating to the weekly theme. As we drive into Middlebury Joseph always talks about doing the craft and he runs right over when it is time. When we return home he heads right to the refrigerator to display his work. Sarah also sends home lots of projects. I am thinking about trying to find a wall somewhere to dedicate to displaying Joseph's projects.
They turkey shirt I made for Joseph!! I am very proud of this. It is my first attempt at sewing in a long time (therefore don't look too closely at the quality). Of course Joseph didn't appreciate it adequately and I had to force him to wear it. He only likes "baseball shirts " (any shirt that looks vaguely sporty). Tutorial hereif you want to make one: http://morganmoore.typepad.com/one_more_moore/2008/11/a-turkey-for-me-and-a-turkey-for-you.html
Nice report, nice crafts, too. I notice that all the pumpkins have blue eyes.
Love the crafts! Are you going to have 15 paper bags full of his crafts when he's all grown up like my mom? :D
And WOW--Brad helps with pie crust AND makes wreaths...he's becoming so domestic!
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